Friday, January 24, 2020
Pierre Elliott Trudeau :: essays research papers
Unlike the United States, with its generalissimo politics-Washington, Jackson, Grant, Eisehower- the martial arts have been conspicuously absent from Canadian politics. But there in one exception: in 1968 Pierre Elliot Trudeau became the first Canadian leader to bring the gunslinger-Lone Ranger ethos to Canadian politics. Trudeau introduced to Canada the refined art of single combat; it was the politics of "Doing It My Way"-the politics of going my way or being left behind. Single-combat confrontation implied much mor than the loner or renegade in power, and far far less than the shaman black tricks of Mackenzie King. Trudeau was always far more the solo Philosopher King engaged in intellectual trial by combat than the Magus Merlin conjuring up solutions by puffs of smoke, sleight of hand or divine intervention. Ouijaboard politics was the occult domain of Mackenzie King, a man virtually devoid of policy, a political palm reader forever checking the whims and moods of his powerful baronial-Ralston Howe, St. Laurent-and sometimes Byronian colleagues to see how best he could placate them, or calm them, or Heap his beatitudes upon them. Trudeau, from day one , was always more samurai than shaman. Even in his pre- leadership days, Trudeau's love of trial by combat was predominant. Mackenzie King would have never touched the unholy trinity of divorce, abortion and homosexuality: each one of these issues is a sleeping dog best left to lie; each could only infuriate conservative Canada from coast to coast. Since King dared not touch them seriatim he certainly would not have touched them together-in an omnibus bill. This, Trudeau did joyously. The myths-makers have it at this was Trudeau's first deliberated joust, the kingship being the final prize. But Trudeau had no leadership aspirations at the time; all that he had, still has, was the love of combat for the sake of combat and religious scruples be damned. Trudeau the Catholic zealot tackle divorce, abortion and homosexuality active Prime Minister in this country's history, liberated the homosexual practitioners of black acts totally abhorrent to him; ironically, in the process, Trudeau gave irrational Canada a pretext for branding him a homosexual too. P.E.T. has always hated the consensus building of Mackenzie King; even the populist following of a Diefenbaker was an anathema to Trudeau. The single-combat warrior "doing it my way" is always alone; he leads the people but is not of them; like the prophet he wanders either in dessert or lush green pastures and often, like the prophet, he watches his people march into the Promised Land without him. For Trudeau, being alone is to be free; victory is a consequence of solitude; Pierre Elliott Trudeau :: essays research papers Unlike the United States, with its generalissimo politics-Washington, Jackson, Grant, Eisehower- the martial arts have been conspicuously absent from Canadian politics. But there in one exception: in 1968 Pierre Elliot Trudeau became the first Canadian leader to bring the gunslinger-Lone Ranger ethos to Canadian politics. Trudeau introduced to Canada the refined art of single combat; it was the politics of "Doing It My Way"-the politics of going my way or being left behind. Single-combat confrontation implied much mor than the loner or renegade in power, and far far less than the shaman black tricks of Mackenzie King. Trudeau was always far more the solo Philosopher King engaged in intellectual trial by combat than the Magus Merlin conjuring up solutions by puffs of smoke, sleight of hand or divine intervention. Ouijaboard politics was the occult domain of Mackenzie King, a man virtually devoid of policy, a political palm reader forever checking the whims and moods of his powerful baronial-Ralston Howe, St. Laurent-and sometimes Byronian colleagues to see how best he could placate them, or calm them, or Heap his beatitudes upon them. Trudeau, from day one , was always more samurai than shaman. Even in his pre- leadership days, Trudeau's love of trial by combat was predominant. Mackenzie King would have never touched the unholy trinity of divorce, abortion and homosexuality: each one of these issues is a sleeping dog best left to lie; each could only infuriate conservative Canada from coast to coast. Since King dared not touch them seriatim he certainly would not have touched them together-in an omnibus bill. This, Trudeau did joyously. The myths-makers have it at this was Trudeau's first deliberated joust, the kingship being the final prize. But Trudeau had no leadership aspirations at the time; all that he had, still has, was the love of combat for the sake of combat and religious scruples be damned. Trudeau the Catholic zealot tackle divorce, abortion and homosexuality active Prime Minister in this country's history, liberated the homosexual practitioners of black acts totally abhorrent to him; ironically, in the process, Trudeau gave irrational Canada a pretext for branding him a homosexual too. P.E.T. has always hated the consensus building of Mackenzie King; even the populist following of a Diefenbaker was an anathema to Trudeau. The single-combat warrior "doing it my way" is always alone; he leads the people but is not of them; like the prophet he wanders either in dessert or lush green pastures and often, like the prophet, he watches his people march into the Promised Land without him. For Trudeau, being alone is to be free; victory is a consequence of solitude;
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Women Police Officers
Women police officers is a developing field just like many occupations women have undertaken. Today we are realizing the rewards of having both female and male officers working together. However, it took time for this concept to progress. The addition of women police officers has received assorted reactions from the public and police officers alike. I will explore the development and need for women police officers for an effective police department, inclusion of female police officers should be carried out to ensure a more diverse police culture. Women began working in law enforcement as matrons. Their work often fell along the lines of social work duties working primarily with women and children often hired by departments after being widowed from a fellow officer. Women struggle for recognition and advancement in police departments, for example the first sworn female police officer, Lola Baldwin, from Portland Oregon. Her job duties were largely of a social work nature, protecting young women working at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in 1905. Fortunately, her success in this task led to her swearing in as an officer with the power to conduct arrests in 1908. Following suit, in 1910, the Los Angeles Police Department swore in Alice Wells as the country's first â€Å"policewoman†. In 1912 the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department swore in Margaret Adams as the nations' first female deputy sheriff however her responsibilities typically involved evidence processing. During the Great Depression and World War II, approximately 1930-1940s, women progression in law enforcement came to a halt do to having to directly compete with men for jobs. Though they were able to continue to work in law enforcement it was more in the support capacity with roles such as dispatch and other desk oriented duties. In the 1950s women in law enforcement moved from behind the desk and out onto the streets with the male police officers. There are many causes for this advancement but most of the credit goes to the formation of the International Association of Women Police in 1956 and police departments increased battle with prostitution and illegal drug sales in the 1960s. This new war on drugs allowed for the expansion and need for more female police officers to assist with specialized operations. During the 1970s the presence of female officers in police departments became increasingly accepted by the general public because of the 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was implemented outlawing gender discrimination in public agencies, including police departments, breaking the glass ceiling to further expand opportunities for women in law enforcement, later establishing several law enforcement association devoted to women. Over the last few decades women police officers have brought a unique face to policing. They have experienced trials and struggles to be acknowledged and respected in the various levels of policing. Financial security and prestige are some of the reasons women join law eforement agencies. Taking up the challenge of being a cop and accomplishing it is a rewarding feeling to women who are expected to fail in a male dominated field. Across American states law enforcement agaencies have been accused of using brutal force when dealing with suspects. Deployment of women in the police force will reduce cases of use of force because women tend to handle suspected offenders in a human way. The American police department has evolved since its inception in 1657 in Northern America. It has undergone structural changes as it works on acheieving its goal of citizen protection. Among the noticeable change is the acceptance of women in the law enforcement agency. Women working for the American police department were only allowed to work in the office. Field matters were only left to men. Women did not wear police uniform like their male counter parts. The first police officer to join the American enforcement agency was Alice Stebbins Wells. She joined the police department in 1910. Before she joined law enforcement, Wells was a minister in Kansas, Alice petitioned the mayor of Los Angles to find her a position in the police department so that she could help in handing crime cases touching on children and women. (women could only do what job) A debate has been raging on a motion to boost the number of women officers in different states police department. Women are better than men in terms of handling suspects. Women deal with many violent criminals just like men, respond well to violent calls, defused crimes that were about to happen with the same expertise like male law enforcers. Women receive fewer complaints, accusations, involved in fewer shooting incidents than male counterparts. *According to Joseph Wambaugh, body size and stamina could no longer be used to determine one's capability to join and survive the law enforcement units. He further stressed that gone were the days when interrogation on suspects cold be carried forcefully. Women are good at getting people to talk without using force. Hiring more women cops will reduce the number of cost and lawsuits associaited with use of brutal force by male police officers. ((Crime & Center, 2005) Women deescalate tense situations by treating suspects with respect. Having women who are known to handle suspects in a human way will bridge the gap that exists between communities and law enforcement agencies because the suspect and their families feel more comfortable cooperating with officials. Handling of violence against women incidents has been a challenge in law enforcement. Inclusion of more women will help how victims are handled. In conclusion, increasing the number of women in law enforcement agencies will also improe its tarnished image of policing department that uses brutal force when handing offenders. The community will view the police as all round law enforcement catering to the needs of both men and women. Incidents of brutality will greatly reduce since studies and real time situation have proved women handle suspects while considering the laid laws of dealing with offenders. The succeeding in male dominated fields thus policing careers will not be an exception. The story of women in law enforcement continues to evolve as police departments discover that female officers bring particular gifts and abilities to the profession. These advantages often include a less confrontational style than that of their male partners, a lower likelihood of use of excessive force, the ability to exercise empathy and effectively diffuse difficult situations â€â€especially domestic calls, and a larger field of awareness in stressful situations. Female officers' abilities often complement those of male officers, resulting in a tactical as well as an investigative advantage when male-female teams are deployed. These advantages, if leveraged, can only advance the evolution of female service in law enforcement, and benefit the profession and those we serve and protect. There are many stories of women who helped shape our profession  some are famous, others infamous, and still others are women whose stories are not widely known but are fascinating nonetheless. Further, there are countless stories right now being written by the women law enforcers patrolling the streets across this great nation. What will your story be? Law enforcement as a career has been increasingly more popular for women in the recent years however the numbers have not increased greatly. In 2001 women accounted for only 12.7% of all sworn law enforcement positions in large agencies. It is a fact that women officers make less arrest than men officers however the arrest made by female officers tend to hold up better in court. Female officers do not appear to call in for support or assistance any more than their male counterparts. Yet they have been found to be as capable as male officers dealing with violent or angry situations. Evidence shows that because their appearance is less dangerous women officers have an advantage in dangerous situation resulting in avoiding injury to all parties involved. The acceptance of women on patrol seems to have been embraced better by the public than by males officers. Female officers have reported feeling of isolation and perceived hostilities from co workers have suggested as potential problems. Female officers are exposed to the same environmental stressors as male police officers but are not viewed as competent and may experience role conflict and job uncertainty.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Obedience Is Not A Bad Thing Essay - 1465 Words
Obedience is defined as compliance with an order, request, or submission to another’s authority. Just about everyone obeys someone or something on a daily basis without even thinking about it. It is normal and useful for keeping law and order in a common civilized society. Obedience is not a bad thing, it is just a way of controlling people. However, the opposite end of obedience is disobedience which is usually viewed as bad, especially in the context of a societal view. Both obedience and disobedience serve a purpose, from positive control through obedience, to denying control to avoid being influenced to do something immoral. Erich Fromm, Doris Lessing, and Stanley Milgram reveal how the effects of obedience can be negative and how hard it can be to disobey. Obedience can be catastrophic; during the holocaust, many men obeyed orders only to find they were puppets in an evil scheme. However, thriving obedience in the human species is a cause of the need to please, a difficul ty to disobey, and social pressures that are displayed among groups. Many war crimes and horrific historical events involve the forces of obedience especially within groups. These tragic events as time has passed have sparked curiosity in many behavioral scientists. Research through experimentation has occurred and helped explain some of the behaviors witnessed such as in the famous Milgram experiment. Stanley Milgram performed an experiment that revealed some truly baffling facts when it comes toShow MoreRelatedObedience Is Not A Bad Thing Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagesauthority is obedience. Just about everyone obeys someone or something on a daily basis without even thinking about it. It is normal and useful for keeping law and order in a common civilized society. Obedience is not a bad thing, it is just a way of controlling people. However, the opposite end of obedience is disobedience which is usually viewed as bad, especially in the context of a societal view. Both obedience and disobedience serve a purpose, from positive control through obedience, to denyingRead MoreObedience to Authority Essays836 Words  | 4 Pageseven human being’s life; along with this, is the expectation of obedience to that authority. Through this obedience, many great things have been accomplished, as well as many instances of cruel and immoral acts. Defiance of the established authority, though, has also lead to great things, such as the creation and founding of the United States of America. In his writing, Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram examines the obedience to authority without questioning or taking responsibility and theRead MoreReal Life Implications Of The Milgram Experiment1698 Words  | 7 PagesReal Life Implications of the Milgram Experiment One of the most controversial studies in the history of psychology is Stanley Milgram’s Obedience experiment, which revealed the power of obedience and the horrendous acts people would commit when faced by an authority figure. Milgram selected male participants to be part of a learning study. He got people to be either the learner or the teacher. It was fixed that they were always the teacher. The teacher would shock the learner if they would getRead MoreA Few Good Men By Erich Fromm1403 Words  | 6 Pages Studying obedience to authority most often reveals human nature repugnantly; however, it teaches society individual capability and, thus, it can prevent unethical actions. In the film, A Few Good Men, Col. Nathan R. Jessup, the commanding officer at Guantanamo Bay Cuba orders a â€Å"code red†– an unsanctioned disciplinary action against Pfc. William T. Santiago. Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson and Pfc. Louden Downey, two U.S. Marines, are the fellow platoon members that implement the code red, and LtRead MoreA Few Good Men Analysis1331 Words  | 6 Pagesauthorization, specifically in the military (Zimbardo 116-117, Kelman and Hamilton 139-142). Zimbardo would consider Dawson’s following of the Code Red to be a product of his environment, in this case, the military (116). Based on â€Å"When Good People do Bad Things,†Dr. Phil, Ph.D., agrees with Zimbardo that ordinary people are capable of carrying out heinous acts, depending on the situation. Dr. Phil interviews a military Ranger, Alex, who robbed a bank inadvertently. The Ranger was under the impressionRead MoreEssay on Obedience to Authority574 Words  | 3 PagesObedience to Authority Today our society raises us to believe that obedience is good and disobedience is bad. We are taught that we should all do what we’re told and that the people that are disobedient are almost always bad people. Society tells us this, but it is not true. Most people will even be obedient to the point of causing harm to others, because to be disobedient requires the courage to be alone against authority. In Stanley Milgram’s Perils of Obedience experiment, his studiesRead MoreWhat Can Social Psychology Teach Us About What Happened At Abu Ghraib? Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pagesthe line to gain information by the centre intelligence agency, tier 1A was known as the interrogation hold. One detained was mentally ill, he covered himself in faeces every day, the soldiers would have to role him in sand so he wouldn’t smell so bad and they named him ‘Shitboy’. What was he doing in an interrogation hold? This is one example that shows the level of humilia tion and dehumanisation that went on. Philip Zimbardo was an expert witness for U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Ivan â€Å"Chip†FrederickRead MoreCustomer Service And Employee Satisfaction1604 Words  | 7 Pagesthat good leadership directly relates to the quality of business. Meaning that the better the leadership, the better the business. Quality leadership one of the major keys of developing good customer service and employee satisfaction. Considering obedience defines whether we obey or disobey the authority, many individuals today have no choice but to obey. Leaders of businesses are far along being autocratic to their leadership style instead of democratic. Individuals feel afraid and feel like slavesRead MoreDisobedience Vs Obedience1700 Words  | 7 PagesIn society, obedience to authority is ingrained in humanity from an early age, causing some individuals to blindly obey orders without contemplating the credibility of the source. In psychoanalyst Erich Fromm’s article â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem,†he explains that throughout human history obedience has been associated with virtue and disobedience with sin (Fromm 127). Fromm suggests that our conscience is an internalized voice of authority (126). Fromm claims individuals needRead MoreResearch Paper on Child Behavior1597 Words  | 7 Pagesoblivious to the respect that parents deserve and everything centers on their own needs. Throughout this paper many things have been explored such as: attachment issues in psychology, history of childhood behavior problems in biological relatives of boys with ADHD and conduct disorder, dealing with disrespect in your teenager, the seven keys to child obedience and how children’s bad behavior gives insight to academic achievements. New Research Suggest â€Å"New research suggests that children entering
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